Wednesday 22 January 2014

Facts That You Don't Know About Documentation

As we all know, documentation has been an essential part of the human race and has been the keeper of information that has gone through one generation to another. Since the earliest days of human literacy and knowledge, documentation or bookkeeping has been a need to preserve the information that has been acquired or knowledge that must be passed on. The print industry has already had so many advancements through time and because of that, documentation has been easier and faster. Though there have been changes in both the process and appearance of the current format of documents, the value that it has remains the same.

We may be aware of the basic information about documentation which includes its history, process, formats, and even its uses. But there are still other things about documents that a person might not know but has to, to see the value of managed document services to the industry of documentation. Here are some statistics and facts you might want to know;

  • An average printed document is more likely to be copied 19 times after the original has been produced.
  • Of the total documents present and produced around the world, 7.5% of their total gets lost because of different reasons (e.g. fires, mishandling, being misplaced). While 3% of the remaining number that don’t get lost are misfiled under a different category or name.
  • Around the world, companies pay as much as £12.50 for labour to get their documents filed correctly. While it will cost them £73 to pay for someone who would be searching for misfiled documents. If documents are totally lost, a company has to spend £133.50 to reproduce the missing product.
  • Searching for documents compared to actually looking at them takes more time. An average professional would have to spend 50% of his time just to look for the document he needs and only 15% will be spent in actually putting the document to use.

Being presented with these facts and statistics, it is now fairly easy to point out that documentation services that exhibits good quality and excellence is always appropriate to have for every company. Not only do these services cut the costs for printing and slash off the use of materials like paper, ink, and printers, managing documents also cuts the company’s expenses from paying for labour trying to look for mishandled or misfiled documents and/or reproducing these documents which would mean doing the process all over again. Good document management not only saves companies money, it also helps efficiency with employees and professionals by making it easier for them to find a well managed and properly filed document.

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